Root Cause Solution
Root Cause Solution
NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTraining and Coaching
NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTraining and Coaching
FastTrac NLP Practitioner Training
Is It Time To Add New Strategies, or Skills to Your Life?
This would be the Training for you!
These new stratagies will set you up for success in the coming DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS AND YEARS!
Become a Certified NLP Practitioner with the FasTrak NLP Practitioner Training. You will acquire the tools and strategies to allow you to change and enhance your career, create better relationships, and obtain the ability to make permanent positive change which will allow for
new opportunities in you life!
Trainers and Life Change Experts Laura and Rob Harvey will provide you with a 8 day multi-media certification that includes a home study CD segment prior to the training. You will have plenty of opportunity to absorb the knowledge and practice new skills and
become certified with 4 certifications:
NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis, & Coaching
Neuro Linguistic Programming – You will learn how the pictures we create, the sounds we hear and the feelings we have produce our behavior. Thus you will learn new tools and strategies to help yourself and others create permanent, positive change.
Contact for upcoming dates
$997.00 +gst deposit gets you started today
Price $4997.00 + gst
For more information/register:
Root Cause Solution
Rob and Laura Harvey
Life Change Experts
Trainers of NLP, Time Line Therapy®,
Hypnosis and Coaching
Surrey BC 604 230 0349
As teachers and trainers of NLP, these two highly professional, competent and extremely caring individuals provided the practitioner level NLP information with patience, confidence and in a way that allowed me to learn at my own level and pace. Rob and Laura each have their own individual gifts as teachers and coaches, and when they come together it is a real powerhouse. This allowed to me to be very clear, so that I too am a competent, confident, professional individual with the ability to now utilize my gifts.
You want results? Fulfill your goals? Live your best life? You need not look further, these are your folks!
Birgit Kuit B.Sc.
Certified NLP Practitioner